Announcing Vote-to-Give!
We’re proud to announce that your votes and other actions on Shelter Challenge will now give additional donations of food and supplies to needy shelters! And the best part… it’s free to you! You’ve always been able to vote to help your favorite shelter or rescue group win cash and prizes on ShelterChallenge.com but now, when you vote or share challenges on social media, we’re giving even more.
As part of GreaterGood, where everyday small actions make a huge impact, we’re excited for Shelter Challenge to join the Animal Rescue Site and Freekibble as a destination for animal lovers to make a difference in shelter pets’ lives with free, daily clicks.
How Does it Work?
For your actions to generate a donation, you must be logged into your Shelter Challenge account when you vote or share. If you don’t already have an account, visit our registration page to create your free account - it only takes a second. When you create an account we’ll make the first donation on your behalf. When you vote in contests or share by clicking one of the sharing links on the site we’ll give even more donations to shelters. You can track how much you’ve given in your account. Vote every day and watch your giving grow!
How Much Do We Give?
When you create an account on Shelter Challenge we’ll donate the value of 100 pieces of kibble to shelters and rescue groups. Every time you vote in a contest we’ll donate an additional 20 pieces of kibble! When you share a contest or ShelterChallenge.com by clicking on one of the social sharing links, we’ll donate the value of 10 pieces of kibble per share. You can vote and share to each social media platform once per day.
How is the Donation Total Already 45,293,490?
We’ve retroactively made donations for activity on Shelter Challenge going back to the site’s relaunch in April 2018. So if you’ve been an active user prior to this announcement you can be assured that the donations listed in your account - even those from two years ago - have been given to shelters in need!
How Are Funds Distributed?
Cash and pet products given via Shelter Challenge are distributed as grants by our non-profit partner, Greater Good Charities.
What Are the Points?
When you create an account, vote, or share you accrue points, equivalent to the amount of kibble donated. These points count as entries in our monthly sweepstakes drawing. Your votes not only help shelters, they increase your odds in winning prizes for yourself!
If you have more questions about how Shelter Challenge works, please visit our FAQ for more information.